Jahr: 1917
Dauer: 4 mins
Beschreibung: I. 'ON THE CAMBRAI FRONT. Rushing up ammunition, building new roads and consolidating our gains.' Artillery limber crosses muddy ground at the gallop, while another stands in mid-screen, apparently bogged down - a soldier can be seen lashing the mules with a whip to no immediate effect. A second team gallops past the stranded limber. A work party stands by a road smoking as a stretcher case is carried past by German POWs. Several of the soldiers look upwards - presumably to watch some aerial activity. As some move along, others resume their work widening the road.II. 'U.S.A. CONGRESSMEN ON THE BATTLEFIELD. America sends representatives to see conditions of present-day warfare.' At the Ordnance Works at Calais the group of Congressmen - some holding steel helmets - pick their way along a muddy track by a gun park - a 6-inch 30cwt gun stands nearby. Cut to Congressmen - now wearing their helmets - as they are led over old battlefield near Fricourt. The escorting British officer points out features of interest with his cane.III. 'ETON'S FAMOUS "WALL GAME". This historic contest resulted in the Oppidans beating the Collegers one shy to nil.' Boys look down from the top of the wall as the game proceeds. MS of the scrimmage. The audience applauds - one boy makes a face at the camera. The game continues.IV. 'STARS ON THE TANK. Miss Madge Titheradge recites "Sons of England" and George Robey sells £4,000 worth of War Bonds.' LA of the two entertainers standing on top of the tank - Mr Robey, 'The Prime Minister of Mirth', addresses the crowd, presumably introducing Miss Titheradge, then steps down. Miss T recites with appropriate gestures - in the background the National Gallery is decorated with a huge bill-board recording the sales of War Bonds in 'Provincial England'. MS as Robey buys some bonds from Miss Titheradge, now sitting at a table alongside the tank - she laughs gaily, watched by a numerous crowd of admirers (who would have the opportunity the next month to see her as Aladdin at the Garrick). HA over the dense crowd surrounding the tank.V. 'WITH THE CAMEL CORPS. A Franco-Arabian Expedition sets out for the interior.' A group of French and Arab soldiers armed with Lebel rifles mount their camels - not without difficulty for some of the French. The column passes through a dry wadi - some of the camels carry ammunition boxes and the components of a French 65mm mountain gun.
I. General scenes behind the lines, ostensibly at Cambrai.II. US Congressmen visit France.III. Eton wall game.IV. Popular entertainers fund raising at the Tank Bank in Trafalgar Square.V. Irregular Franco-Arab force fights the Turks.
Schlüsselwörter: EFG1914 / World War I / Titheradge, Madge / Robey, George / British Army, artillery / Eton School / National War Savings Committee / French Army, French Contingent, Egyptian Expeditionary Force & [Camel Corps] / operations, British military - routine / supply, British, movement [FA] - munitions / delegations, United States international - informative: Congressmen visit France / recreation, British civilian - sport: Eton wall game / economics, British national - currency: war bonds / society, British - charity (?): war bonds / animals, mammals: camel / operations, Arab - irregular / operations, French - irregular / transport, French military - animal packload: camels / Cambrai, Nord, France / Calais, Pas-de-Calais, France / Eton, Berkshire, England, UK / GB, England & London, WC
Anbieter: Imperial War Museums
Rechte: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Produktionsfirma: Topical Film Company
Farbe: Black & White
Ton: Without sound